
The Market Place


Barebones Americana, with a heart

and a mind on home.




  "FREE"  (2010) 

"Shawn Taylor plays his acoustic guitar Delta style, reminiscent of Mississippi John Hurt... and you can hear his smooth command of the difficult finger-picking style... Anchoring the whole thing is Taylor’s voice. Described as “wonderfully damaged,” by the Advocate’s own Dan Barry, it is worn but not frayed, a smoky tenor that exudes confidence and authority. This kind of command comes from live performances — not just in clubs and coffee bars, but in living rooms and on front porches as well. "
(James Velvet - New Haven Advocate)

"Shawn Taylor has mellowness to his voice that works well against the frenetic flash of finger-picking that is the foundation of his songs... It is Americana stripped of its outer skin. The songs crackle with the guitar work... Shawn Taylor uses words as weapons on Home, showing that his pen beats the sword for cutting through the crap as it seeks the truth of contemporary life"
                                 (TheAlternateRoot.com - Review of "Home")

"It’s a delicate, well played slice of American roots music that’s as satisfyin’ as a warm, home cooked meal... The same savior fair as a world-class chef seasoning. "  (Metronome Magazine - Boston - "Review of Home")


" Acoustic troubadour Shawn Taylor is no stranger to the pages of Metronome. In fact Shawn graced our cover in March of 2015 on the strength of his exceptional Home album. For his new offering Balance, Taylor returns with a collection of cleverly penned acoustic borne numbers that incorporate everything from Island to funk to pop and folk. He’s a gifted guitarist capable of delivering blazing single note runs or keeping things tight and tasteful with his superlative fingerpicking prowess.

Joined by musical friends guitarist Jim McKeeman, bassist Nicholas Defala, drummer Nick Longo, engineer/multi-instrumentalist Paul Oplach, upright bassist Patrick Haddon along with singers Lee-Ann Lovelace & Shannon McMahon Bruchal, Taylor whips up one of the finest sounding albums of 2018 with Balance. But don’t take my word for it, finnd a little Balance for yourself. You won’t be sorry. " - [B.M.O.] - Metronome Magazine Boston April, 2018. 

"One of the finest sounding albums of 2018"                    -Metronome Magazine Boston 

“Shawn Taylor is one of the finest traveling troubadours performing on the circuit these days. Boasting world-class guitar chops, soul enriched vocals and an uncanny knack for capturing life in a song, Taylor never fails to wow audiences with his performing prowess. Touting a new album entitled, “Balance,” that is both personal and universal, Taylor is poised to up his stature on the national scene. We were lucky enough to catch him before his ascent to musical glory.”
Brian Owens – Metronome Magazine – Boston

"Resolve" (single)



"Come Home To Me"  (single)